
Odprtje olimpijskega izobraževalnega centra/ Opening of Slovenian Olympic Educational Center

Slovenija dobila olimpijski izobraževalni center

V petek 15.4. 2016 je Slovenija dobila olimpijski izobraževalni center. Gre za večnamenski objekt, ki zajema muzej slovenskega olimpizma in prostore namenjene izobraževanju mladih ter sejam, sestankom in srečanjem športnikov, športnih delavcev ter funkcionarjev. Center, ki je odprt za javnost, se nahaja v Kristalni palači v BTC-ju, pod prostori Olimpijskega komiteja Slovenije.

Prav z namenom odprtja nove pridobitve, je Slovenijo obiskal predsednik Mednarodnega Olimpijskega komiteja Thomas Bach. Slednji ni skrival navdušenja nad centrom in Slovenijo ter prisotne nagovoril z besedami: »Pripravil sem precej sofisticiran govor, a potem, ko sem videl ta muzej, bom govoril kar iz srca, ne pa bral s papirja.«.

Svoj prostor v muzeju je dobil tudi Rožle, ki je kot trikratni olimpijec in finalist Olimpijskih iger v Pekingu 2008, pomemben predstavnik slovenskega olimpizma.


Opening of Slovenian Olympic Educational Center

Due to the opening of Olympic Educational center, Friday 15th of April was a very special day for Slovenian Olympism.The multi-purpose facility contains a museum of Slovenian Olympism, premises for educating young people and for meetings of athletes, sports officials and functionaries. The Centre, which is open to the public, is located in the Crystal Palace of BTC, under the premises of the Olympic Committee of Slovenia.

In order to open new acquisitions, Slovenia was visited by the President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach. The latter did not hide his enthusiasm for the center and Slovenia, and addressed all present with words: “I have prepared quite a sophisticated speech, but then, when I saw this museum, I decided to speak right from the heart, rather than read from the paper.”.

Rožle Prezelj, a three time Olympian and Olympic finalist in Beijing in 2008, thus an important representative of the Slovenian Olympism also got a place in the museum.



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