Ponosni partnerji v projektu “Athletics for a better world”
Ponosni partnerji v projektu Athletics for a better world
V mesecu septembru je Atletski klub Kranj je postal ponosni parter Mednarodne atletske zveze (IAAF) v projektu Atletika za boljši svet (Athletics for a better world). Namen projekta je preko atletike izboljšati kakovost življenja. Projekt obsega področje zdravja, skrb za socialno okolje, zagotavljanje miru in skrb za naravo. Več o projektu: http://www.abw.org
S podpisom pogodbe je IAAF potrdil program Atletskega kluba Kranj kot dobrega, s podporo pa bo klub lažje uresničeval in nadgradil svoj program. V letošnji sezoni bo tako organiziran klubski kros za vse generacije, s pomočjo medicinske stroke bodo izvedeni nadgrajeni orientacijski pregledi otrok starejših od 8 let, klub bo vrata odprl tudi osebam s posebnimi potrebami (invalidnost, zdravstvene težave), ki bodo vadile po prilagojenem programu Atletske šole Rožle Prezelj oziroma rekreacije AKK. Za člane kluba bodo organizirane delavnice s področja zdravja in športnega treniranja ter seveda družabni dogodki, katerih namen bo povezovanje članov, njihovih družinskih članov in prijateljev.
Novih izzivov se že veselimo….
Proud partners of project “Athletics for a Better World”
In September Athletic Club Kranj became a proud partner of IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) in the project Athletics for a Better World. Purpose of the project is to improve the quality of life with the help of athletics. The project includes health issues, concern for social environment and nature and assures peace. More on the project see: http://www.abw.org
By signing the contract, the IAAF confirmed the quality of Athletics Club Kranj (ACK) program, and with their support it will be easier to pursue and build on our program. This season the club will organize a cross-country for all ages, improved medical check-ups will be carried out for athletes of 8yrs and up, the club will also open their doors to people with special needs (disability, health problems), who will follow adjusted programs of the School of Athletics Rozle Prezelj or ACK’s recreational program. Workshops on health and sports training will be held for all club members, and, of course, social events designed to connect club members, their families and friends.
We look forward to new challenges….
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